How we partner with Institutions

Policies and funding matter. The Anthropocene works with universities, non-profits, and governmental organizations in the US and abroad to drive awareness and support for solutions for clean energy, health, social justice, and prosperity for all.

Institutions we work with


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How we can help

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Technologies to invest in


Why love it? Atomic energy is always available to help you do the things you love. If you love clean air, atomic energy must be a part of the energy mix. And, people who work in atomic energy love the economies where they live.


There is a technological solution right on the horizon that has the potential to permanently solve the energy problem, give us a powerful weapon against the climate emergency and unlock unimaginable economic potential.

Electrical Grid

Tackling climate change is a complicated undertaking, but here’s a good rule of thumb for how to get started: replace technologies that still run on combustion with alternatives that run on electricity, like electric vehicles and heat pumps. 


The oceans cover two thirds of our planet’s surface and are responsible for over half of our oxygen and one fifth of our nutrition. When they are in trouble, so are we. Learn about our ocean initiatives through

The business case for long term tech

General #1

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General #3

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General #4

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The value of serendipidous discovery

General #1

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General #2

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General #3

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General #4

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Agencies Anthropocene supports who have invested in
pioneering technologies


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Promising Innovations
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