The Anthropocene Bookshelf

Wether you are new to technological advancements, or an experienced expert, we've curated a list of books that that fit any level of familiarity in the field of technology and planet wellness. 

How to create a better future for our planet


Saul Griffith

An optimistic—but realistic and feasible—action plan for fighting climate change while creating new jobs and a healthier environment: electrify everything.

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Living In The Anthropocene

John W. Kress, Jeffrey K. Stine, Edward O. Wilson, Elizabeth Kolbert, Thomas E. Lovejoy

This book contextualizes the Anthropocene by presenting paleontological, historical, and contemporary views of various human effects on Earth.

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Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

Paul Hawken

Paul Hawken’s book lists 100 of the most substantive, existing solutions to address climate change.

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A Bright Future

Joshua S. Goldstein, Staffan A. Qvist

A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow

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Prescription for the planet

Tom Blees

An end to greenhouse gas emissions, a global framework to control nuclear proliferation,  and unlimited energy worldwide are just a few of the concrete solutions presented in this brilliant timely book.

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Innovations we support

Nuclear Energy Encyclopedia

Steven B. Krivit

A comprehensive and authoritative reference guide written by a committee of the world's leading energy experts.

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Atomic Awakening

James Mahaffey

A new look at the history and future of nuclear power.

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Energy Cheaper Than Coal

Robert Hargraves

Thorium energy can help check CO2 and global warming, cut deadly air pollution, provide inexhaustible energy, and increase human prosperity.

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The Grid

Gretchen Bakke

Today, as we invest great hope in new energy sources--solar, wind, and other alternatives--the grid is what stands most firmly in the way of a brighter energy future.

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Business and Risk Adversity

Should We Risk It?

Daniel M. Kammen

What are the risks of nuclear power or of climate change? In this book Kammen draws seeks to unify previously disparate theories and methodologies connected with risk analysis for environmental, and technological problems.

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Why Are We Waiting?

Nicholas Stern

An urgent case for climate change action that forcefully sets out, in economic, ethical, and political terms, the dangers of delay and the benefits of action.

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Bold Business Solutions for the Nuclear Era

Amory Lovins

This groundbreaking roadmap reveals market-based solutions across the transportation, building, industry, and electricity sectors. It highlights pathways and competitive strategies for a 158%-bigger 2050 U.S. economy. 

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