2022 ARPA-E Energy Summit

4 月 1, 2022

2022 ARPA-E Energy Summit

Anthropocene Institute sponsoring the Student Program at the 2022 ARPA-E Energy Summit

Anthropocene Institute is proud to partner with the Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) on the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, the annual conference and technology showcase that brings together experts from different technical disciplines and professional communities to shape America’s energy challenges in new and innovative ways. Now in its twelfth year, the Summit offers a unique, three-day program aimed at moving transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.

This year, Anthropocene Institute is sponsoring The Summit’s Student Program, a unique opportunity for student energy leaders to engage with companies looking for new talent, as well as learn about new energy initiatives. Student participants will also have the chance to P.I.T.C.H. (Propose Ideas for Technologies that Can Harness Energy Sustainably). The graduate-level students selected to participate in the Student Program receive complimentary registration to attend the Summit, participate in student-focused panel sessions, and network with corporate recruiters.

It’s just one way the Anthropocene Institute is helping forge the future of energy technology and support breakthroughs in areas such as solid-state energy. We’re also committed to helping graduate students in STEM find careers in an increasingly broad range of sectors from more traditional academic paths to government, startups, VC, and industry.

The 2022 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit will take place Monday, May 23-25 at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

Attendees can register here.
Submit a press pass application here.
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