How we empower Entrepreneurs

If you’re an entrepreneur with a solution to climate disruption, clean energy, or ocean conservation, we may be able to help. Many energy and environmental technologies require patient capital to go from lab to market so that they do not languish in the innovation valley of death. Whether you’re just coming out of an academic research institution or looking  to commercialize your idea, we can connect with you the appropriate government funding agency or private investors. 

How we can help Entreprenuers

Business Guidance

Our network of technologists have deep industrial, patent, and policymaking experience. We can help to design your business model and to market evolving market conditions.


We are members of major scientific societies. We work with institutions, including ARPA-E and major research universities, to bring resources needed to build your team.


Our network of investors is dedicated to mobilizing capital to solve Earth’s challenges. We can connect you with the appropriate funder or agency that are aligned with your goals. 

Innovation Criteria

Make Clean Energy

The global population grew from 1 billion in 1800 to 7.9 billion in 2020, and it’s likely to stay on that trajectory. We seek out innovations that deliver abundant energy to power our growing population in ways that are clean and safe.

Engineering Safety Margin

We’re looking for technologies that can scale to address the big, global problems we face, such as climate disruption, abundant clean energy, marine conservation, and environmental sustainability.

Improve Cost of Living

Our lifestyles are powered by energy. In the Anthropocene, we have the means to significantly reduce our carbon footprint and enable our modern lifestyles. We seek to build a prosperous world, and that’s attainable with clean and cheap energy. Let’s get to 1 cent energy together.

Displace harmful industries

The Industrial Revolution was driven by fossil fuels, but it’s time to displace oil and gas and other harmful industries — without disrupting our natural ecosystems by, for example, growing massive amounts of corn to produce ethanol.
Innovations prometteuses
Mission et vision
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